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Conferencia Internacional: ICMFII’2016








ICMFII’2016: Second Call for Papers

The International Conference on Multidimensional Finance, Insurance and Investment is devoted to the recent developments and applications of the Multi-Criteria Decision Aid tools in the field of finance and insurance. This scientific event disseminates recent methods and procedures designed to solve problems related to finance, insurance and portfolio selection formulated through a mathematical programming framework and for which a stack of conflicting and incommensurable objectives (criteria, attributes) is simultaneously optimized. The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from all over the world to discuss recent theoretical and methodological developments of multi-attributes portfolio selection, insurance and investment.

The ICMFII’2016 conference will be held on June 26-29, 2016 at the Campus d’Alcoi of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) which has been recently ranked as the best technical university in Spain by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2015. The ICMFII’2016 conference will be chaired by Blanca Pérez-Gladish and  there will be three plenary talks, delivered by:

  • Prof. Ralph Steuer. University of Georgia. United States. Title: «On the addition of Practicalities and a Third Criterion to Standard Mean-Variance Markowitz Portfolio Selection»
  • Prof. Belaid Aouni. University of Qatar. Title: «Multi-Attributes Financial Portfolio Selection through Goal Programming Model: State-of-Art».
  • Prof. Michael Doumpos. University of Crete. Greece. Title: «Development of Multicriteria Models for Credit Rating: An Overview and Empirical Results for Rating Payment Behavior».

A broad range of topics will be covered during the conference. Papers related to the following topics are suitable for submission to the conference:

  •  Multi-attribute portfolio selection
    •    Multiple objective programming in finance
    •    Stochastic programming in finance
    •    Option pricing
    •    Asset and liability management
    •    Interest rate models
    •    Capital budgeting
    •    Corporate governance
    •    Auditing, accounting, insurance, and pension fund management
    •    Multi-criteria decision aid in finance
    •    Fuzziness and uncertainty in finance
    •    Financial planning and financial engineering
    •    Portfolio analysis
    •    Financial economics
    •    Bank management
    •    Finance applications
    •    Insurance applications
    •    All other topics in relation to financial decision sciences

The ICMFII’2016 International committee invites all interested researchers and professionals to submit extended abstracts (at most 2 pages written in English). They should clearly include: title, brief abstract, list of key-words, author(s) full name(s), affiliation(s), complete address(es), and e-mail address(es). Please state the name of the contact person. All documents must be sent in RTF (Rich Text File) or MS Word format by email to the following address icmfii@upv.es. The deadline for submitting your Abstract is March 05, 2016 (see information about Deadlines).

Selected manuscripts will be considered as potential full-paper publications in international journals, subject to peer review, to be announced soon at the conference website (http://www.icmfii.com). The authors can also submit their papers for consideration for an Edited Book to be published by Springer. This book will come under the Edited Series: Multiple Criteria Decision Making.

Early registration fee for academic participants is 250 Euros and for students is 150 Euros (May 15, 2016). Reduced fees will be considered, under request, for participants from developing countries and members of the MCDM society. Link to registration process

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Alcoy.
ICMFII’2016 Organizing Committee
E-mail: icmfii@upv.es
Tfno: +34 96 652 8472

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